So often books on gamification cover the basics only to leave readers without the practical knowledge to get started in applying gamification to their work. These books are often too detailed and academic, or too high level to be of any real use.

In An Organizational Guide for Gamified Learning, Brit and Karl have achieved what few gamification authors have – they’ve written an engaging, easy-to-understand and follow book that gives practical tips and tricks based on actual experience.

You will enjoy this book for its conversational, inviting tone and delight in the plentiful real-life case studies and examples throughout. It will give you insights into the daily life of a gamification designer, forewarn you of the traps for new players, and give you practical advice to guide you through the realities of designing, implementing and measuring gamification in the workplace.

Karl Kapp is a renowned leader in the field, and Brit brings hands-on experience from applying gamification in one of the most well-known and respected companies in the world.

I recommend this book to anyone interested in starting the gamification journey through seasoned gamification designers and practitioners.

Dr Kerstin Oberprieler

PhD in workplace gamification
Award-winning designer and entrepreneur
CEO and Co-Founder, PentaQuest

Behavioural Design Lead, ThinkPlace
Board member, Fives

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